Moving Up is an initiative dedicated to empowering individuals to advance with their lives, whether through sustained employment, enhanced career prospects, education, social action activities, volunteering, or newfound confidence.

The programme will be tailored to the needs of each individual participant with the content and duration of support based on individual needs. Working with partner organisations across the region we will support participants to develop a personalised action plan and navigate their next steps.

Our targeted support extends across different categories and areas, covering North Somerset, Bristol, B&NES, and South Gloucestershire.

There are multiple pathways to support you to Move Up:



Specialist Key Workers will engage with 16–24-year-olds, addressing barriers and supporting progression to help improve life chances.

Encouraging a return to education, as well as work, we use a mix of intervention including 1:1 support, small group sessions, informal and formal training opportunities; meeting them in locations within their communities to encourage engagement and remove barriers.


Those eligible for support in this work stream must be young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) as defined by the Office for National Statistics.

  • Young people are defined as those aged 16-24
  • A person is in education or training if any of the following apply:
    • They are enrolled on an education course and are still attending or waiting for term to (re)start.
    • They are doing an apprenticeship.
    • They are on a government supported employment or training program.
    • They are working or studying towards a qualification, or
    • They have had job-related training or education in the last 4 weeks.
  • “In employment” includes all people in some form of paid work, including those working part-time. People not in employment include those classed as either unemployed or economically inactive.

Anybody who is not in any form of education or training listed above and who is not in employment is NEET. Consequently, a person identified as NEET will always be either unemployed or economically inactive.



Unfortunately the Moving Up project has come to an end, so we are no longer accepting new referrals. If you are interested in similar support, please email